Saturday, August 07, 2010

Rollercoaster of Emotions

Yesterday was a really rough day.  I don't know why - but whenever people talk about hormones and use them as a reasons for crazy behavior - to this point I have never really believed them.  However, after yesterday, I am A BELIEVER!

Luke had a really fussy day.  Up until yesterday he would sleep soundly between each feeding for 3 or 4 hours.  Yesterday we could not get him to sleep.  In fact he slept very little.  On top of that, I had a horribly emotional day.  Seems like I cried most of the day.  I can't even give a definite reason why.  Everything on me hurts for one thing.  I'm swollen all over and had very little appetite.  I cried every time I held him wondering  how I could ever be a good enough Mom for this perfect angel.  Then we got the results of the sonogram we had done on his little kidneys Wednesday.  The results show mild hydrophrenosis (dilation) in both kidneys.  Rationally, I know, that of all little problems he might have, this is nothing!  In fact it usually resolves on its own by 2 or 3 months of age.  He is peeing and pooping just fine and seems perfect.  But getting those results on this particular day just made it worse.  So we have an appointment with a pediatric urologist on 8/13.  Most likely he will just tell us we need to keep an eye on it and we'll have follow up appointments with him.

At the end of the day yesterday - around 7, Tim took us on a drive.  The car ride seems to lull Luke to sleep and I needed to just get out of the house.  So we went to Babies R Us to pick up some formula.  It was good to get out.  When we got home I fed Luke and put him to bed around 9:30.  He had a really great night!  He slept all the way until 1:50am before he was hungry and after that feeding he slept until 4:50 for the next feeding.

I decided after yesterday that we needed to do something differently today.  I decided we would stay in the bedroom all day and give me some time to heal.  I thought it would also be more calming for Luke and I would have him right here so that we could breast feed often.  So far so good today.  We woke up about 7am and had a really good breastfeeding.  He went back to sleep and Tim and I had some breakfast.  I then combined his second feeding with bath time.  He does not like to be naked! So that means that changing diapers, clothes and taking baths are not fun.  However, when I introduced a couple sips on his bottle ever few minutes while I gave him a bath, things went fine.  Hooray!

My Angel - look at this face!!

So we are in the bed now and Luke is sleeping soundly.

Luke in his little lamb seat - he seems to like the vibration setting

I've decided to have a Sex and the City marathon today

And give my poor feet a rest - look at this thing! Yuck!

We even have our very own guard dogs

Ferocious looking aren't they?

Emotionally I feel much better today.  I still feel like I'm not producing enough milk - but maybe I just need to give it more time.  Also - I decided that I needed more time with Christy - our newborn care specialist.  I have so many questions that come up during the day.  I wonder the best way to do this or that for Luke or wonder what he is trying to tell me with his different cries or faces.  Plus, she is just so very reassuring about everything - breastfeeding especially.  I have also figured out that I need another week to heal and feel like myself again.  It is so helpful having someone around that can help me wash bottles, or laundry, or get a diaper bag ready, or watch Luke while I try and take a nap.  So Christy is coming next week for 24 hour shifts until Friday.  I feel like by then I will really feel like I have a handle on things.

Let me not forget to mention my wonderful husband in all of this.  He has so much to do with church, but yesterday he was right by my side.  He held my hand and handed me kleenex and reassuring words through all of the tears.  He watched the baby by himself for two hours while I got a really good nap and he took us on that drive to get me out of the house.  He is such a calming influence.  I thank God that he blessed me with this wonderful man!  Luke is so lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy!

Thank God for a beautiful sunny day today, a nice big bed, and the opportunity to spend all day in it with my precious baby.


Tim Payne said...

Could you please not watch Sex and the City with him. Something a little more manly. A John Wayne of Clint Eastwood marathon would be awesome! However, I will settle for Tom Cruise or even Leonardo DiCaprio. ;-)

Missy Miller said...

Mandy I did not know you had such a hard me if you need me...please! I can run over as long as Clark is here. Also, if you feel like you're not producing enough milk, you probably just have to bring him to the breast more, supply and demand! Please, don't hesitate to call.